a n n o u n c e m e n t s
Copenhagen Free University
School of Missing Studies
another link to "Université Tangente",
platform for shared university Academic Earth
the PRINCETON common platform page
all for participation for students of architecture, literature, art anthropology.
collective platform for uttering actions on the community of higher education in greece
offer a speech in action {o.a.s.i. - action}
locus solus public: conversations curatives
London 27/4- 2/5 2009
project phase II: wiki recension works is an open public performance (dates to be
P H A R M A K I S u n i v e r s i t y platform is a project by gregorios pharmakis gathering different works done in the frame of existing public universities. the works accumulated here are done in the form of group productions and create common fields of investigation.
digital landscape
cockpit and warehouse
simulation museum
collect city
research cruise
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